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Tag Archives: UFABET

What makes the skin sensitive?

What makes the skin sensitive? How To Identify Sensitive Skin? Sensitive Skin Causes & Treatments External factors that can cause damage to your skin’s barrier include the usage of harsh skin care products, weather change, untreated dry skin and cold climates. Genes can also contributeto. However, there

Allergies in children: important information for modern parents

Allergies in children: important information for modern parents. Current statistics show that the number of Thai children suffering from allergies has increased 3-4 times compared to 10 years ago due to various related factors, including environmental changes, pollution, and increasing urbanization. There also factors from

6 tips to maintain good health

6 tips to maintain good health The weather is changing frequently these days. Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s rainy. Which makes many people start to feel sick, right? But don’t worry, today we have some great tips for staying healthy and ready to deal with

Be aware of 4 dangerous eye diseases!

There are many signs of physical health problems from an advanced age. But one obvious sign and significantly reduced quality of life is a problem related to eye health that may visit us sooner than expected Are there any diseases to be aware of? And what danger signs does each disease have that

“Tomatoes” help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit? “Tomatoes are fruits” which is true to the botanical definition. Because fruit is the part of the fully developed ovary of flowering plants. Vegetables are edible plants of herbaceous plants. Whether it’s roots, leaves, stems, bulbs, shoots,